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4 warning signs that indicate tyre replacement

4 warning signs that indicate tyre replacement

Out of the many reasons that indicate tyre replacement, the ones mentioned also are only the ones that are usually neglected the most.

1. Bad vibrations

Some vibration is inevitably felt due to a running engine and the frictional forces at work. However, excessive vibration indicates a problem with your tyres Tonbridge. That is why, you must be vigilant in terms of noticing excessive vibration. As for why it is caused, the reasons are listed below:


  • One or more wheels are damaged: This causes the wheels to run in imperfect circles and thus causes unusual vibrations.
  • Tyre damage: One of the tyres suffering damage can also lead to imperfect circles, despite the wheel being okay.
  • Misaligned wheels: Poor wheel alignment also causes undue vibrations. It can even lead to uneven tyre wear
  • Suspension problems: Issues with the suspension system can lead to vibrations.

2. Pay attention to the noise!

When we are talking about machines and their components, noise can indicate a lot. That is why it is imperative for drivers to pay attention to the noises coming out of their vehicle. You can consider the noises to be sounds of an alarm. It is difficult to decipher the meaning of the noise on your own. You will need to involve an expert for that. However, noises coming from your tyre are no good news.

It usually indicates undue tyre damage that might be a result of your hitting a bump or normal tyre wear. Whatever it might be, the best option you have is to visit a garage as soon as possible!

3. “Old is gold”? Not always

Like human beings, cheap tyres also need to retire after a particular age. The maximum amount of time a tyre can survive is around a decade. Yes, 10 years! But that is the maximum. Most of the tyres do not make it to their 10th birthday.

It needs to be noted that most tyre manufacturers’ give a warranty period of only 5 years. It is because after that time, the rubber of a tyre starts to deteriorate naturally. This owes to exposure to UV rays, friction, and several other factors. Therefore, it is recommended that you use your tyres for not more than 5 to 6 years.

4. Uneven tread wear

Tyre wear pattern is an important element in terms of performance. The tread wears down eventually due to the frictional forces at work. What matters is how. The tread must wear down in uniform patterns. If it doesn’t, it can turn out to be a problem for you. If you notice uneven wear, make sure that you take your vehicle to the nearest garage. It is because uneven wear cannot be let to play on its own. 

Reasons for uneven wear:

  • If the tyres have worn down more on the outer or inner side, then it is due to misaligned wheels.
  • Tyres that have worn down more in the centre indicate a “more than necessary” amount of air pressure.
  • If the tyres have worn down on only the edges, then it indicates that the tyres have not been inflated properly.

Whatever the reason might be, do visit the nearest garage in case of uneven tread wear.

It needs to be noted that there can be several other reasons for tyre replacement. The ones mentioned here are only the ones that are neglected most of the time.